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 What is YOU KEY?

You Key provides an additional, personal layer of security to data storage and sharing by encrypting files locally on your device and allowing encryption only to verified and certified users

How does the You Key security process work?

YouKey creates a unique personal code through the user’s biometric and smartphone’s system data

Do I give biometric information when I register on YOU KEY?

With You Key all information is managed within the device, no data is given by the user

Can I download You Key if I am not a company?

Only a Corporate version is available for now

Can I send information to people who do not have You Key?

The system is based on recipient and sender verification; therefore, if a user is not registered on You Key they will be able to receive files but cannot decode them

Can a You key user always decrypt a file encrypted with .yk?

A You Key user can decrypt .yk encrypted files only if they are on the list of authorized decrypters

Can I use You Key on devices that do not have biometric recognition?

You Key needs a biometric analysis device that is either digital or facial 

Can I use You Key to store encrypted files on my Drive?

Yes, once the file is encrypted you can send it to any Cloud

Can I change the viewing rights of a received file so that I can share it with others?

The You Key system does not allow you to forward received communications to third parties, this ensures the protection of the sender who has designated only certain recipients to view the data

How many licenses should I acquire for my company?

Each user must have a license, at any time it will be possible to upgrade the number of licenses

What is meant by sender and recipient certification?

The match between user device and biometric fingerprint provides the security of sharing information only to defined users, and the users receiving the data do not have the privileges to share the data with third parties. This therefore ensures confidential communication of the information

Can I use You Key on my PC?

Sure, a desktop version is available for both PC and Mac. You will always need to use your smartphone to authorize encryption and decryption through your biometric fingerprint

 What happens if I lose my cell phone?

No one will be able to access the confidential data because the App needs the user's biometric control

What happens if the encrypted data is stolen?

No .yk encrypted file can be decrypted except by You Key users who have decryption privileges
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